Special session: predicting and protecting marine biodiversity and ecosystem function in a high CO2 world

Posted on EPOCA: 10 Dec 2012

Steve Widdicombe, Jim Barry and Jean-Pierre Gattuso organize a special themed session on “Predicting and protecting marine biodiversity and ecosystem function in a high CO2 world” for the 11th INTECOL Congress to be held in London from 18-23 August 2013. The meeting is part of the centenary celebrations of the British Ecological Society and the theme of the Congress is advancing ecology and making it count, and will present world-class ecological science that will truly move the science forward (http://www.intecol2013.org/index.php). If you, or any of your colleagues, are interested in submitting an abstract to this session, or to the meeting in general, please note that the abstract submission system is open and can be found at http://www.intecol2013.org/27_Callforabstracts.html.