
Blue mussels ‘hang on’ along rocky shores: for how long?

Posted on EPOCA: 22 Mar 2013 — Cheryl Dybas, NSF, 21 March 2013  Mussels’ anchors–byssal threads–weakened by ocean acidification The following is part nine in a series on the National Science Foundation’s Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability (SEES) investment. Visit parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight in this series. Imagine trying to pitch a tent

Ocean acidification goes beyond damaging shells

Posted on EPOCA: 15 Mar 2013  As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels continue to rise, ocean acidification continues to threaten marine life. New research from the University of Washingtonreveals that ocean acidification won’t only affect the shells of marine organisms. Increasing acidity in the ocean makes it harder for organisms to build and maintain calcified parts.