From Alan Trimble
Hello Everyone,
As July comes to a close we still have not seen a signficant Pacific Oyster spawning. Native oysters larval counts have begun dropping while setting has been good for the past four weeks (~10/shell per week).
Clam larvae were abundant early in the month, but have been much less frequent recently.
Water temperatures have held, in spite of highly variable weather.
If the current situation holds:
lower clam laval counts (low food competition)
lower native oyster larval counts ( “” ” )
warm water temperatures (18-20C)
moderate salinity (22-24 ppt)
and the adult Pacifics continue to condition (some are getting very close)
then a trigger event could start off a nice spawning and growth/survival might be favorable.
Anyone willing to drag a bed in the deeper Oysterville area?
We hope to induce some spawning in the Katzer beds near the end of this tide series.
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