
Acidified seawater impacts sea urchin larvae pH regulatory systems relevant for calcification

Posted on EPOCA: 23 Oct 2012  Calcifying echinoid larvae respond to changes in seawater carbonate chemistry with reduced growth and developmental delay. To date, no information exists on how ocean acidification acts on pH homeostasis in echinoderm larvae. Understanding acid–base regulatory capacities is important because intracellular formation and maintenance of

Acidic oceans prompt evolution

Posted on EPOCA: 18 Oct 2012  It’s no secret that greenhouse gases warm the planet and that this has dire consequences for the environment — whole islands swallowed up by rising seas, animal and plant species stressed by higher temperatures, and upsets in ecological interactions as populations move to cooler areas. However, carbon dioxide

Good and bad news for mussels

Posted on 16 Oct 2012 — By Nicki Holmyard, SeafoodSource contributing editor Mussels have been under much discussion in the aquaculture world recently. First, the results of a recent study found them to have a very low carbon footprint compared to other protein sources, and second because scientists are