
Proof-of­‐Concept: automated high­‐frequency measurements of PCO₂ and TCO₂ and real­‐time monitoring of the saturation state of calcium carbonate

Posted on EPOCA: 23 Aug 2012 — Burke Hales’ lab at Oregon State is working to produce instrumentation to achieve a high quality time series of carbonate data at sufficient resolution to be a powerful tool for coastal biogeochemical research, deepening our understanding of the impacts of ocean acidification.  

Drastic tactics to save oceans

Posted on Science Alert: 21 Aug 2012 — News According to the researchers, it’s unwise to assume we can stabilise atmospheric CO2 at safe levels, so more drastic measures need to be considered – such as moving corals or adding base minerals to the ocean to counteract acidification. Image: KJA/iStoc

Eutrophication induced CO2-acidification of subsurface coastal waters: interactive effects of temperature, salinity, and atmospheric PCO2

Posted on EPOCA: 21 Aug 2012 Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is raising seawater CO2 concentrations and thereby acidifying ocean water. But a second environmental problem, eutrophication, is also causing large CO2 inputs into coastal waters. This occurs because anthropogenic inputs of nutrients have fueled massive algal blooms, which deplete