To develop a roadmap for integrating ocean acidification observing activities on the US West Coast that ensures balanced participation of academic, governmental, and commercial stakeholders.
In particular, this workshop aims to articulate a strategy for implementing a sustainable observing system for ocean acidification that will be able to address the needs of the shellfish industry as well as of broader fisheries management stakeholders along the West Coast, in addition to those of the academic research community.
This workshop was held in Costa Mesa, California July 6-7, 2011.
The full list of participants with contact information and bios is available.
Wednesday, July 6
08:30 – 08:45
Introduction – Workshop Purpose & Logistics
Steve Weisberg & Andrew Dickson
08:45 – 10:00
Session A: What is an “ocean acidification network” and why do we need one?
1. What are the likely benefits to the various stakeholders (academic, governmental, and commercial) that could be provided by an “ocean acidification observing network”?
2. What kind of “ocean acidification observing network” is needed to provide such benefits?
Speakers (~5 min each):
Alan Barton (Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association)
Libby Jewett (NOAA Ocean Acidification Program)
Skyli McAfee (California Ocean Science Trust)
Todd Capson (Sustainable Fisheries Partnership)
10:30 – 12:30
Session B: Building from existing programs
1. What are the existing observing efforts?
2. What are the obvious gaps in existing efforts when viewed as a “network”?
Speakers (~10 min each):
Benoit Eudeline (Taylor Shellfish)
Todd Martz (UC San Diego)
Burke Hales (Oregon State University)
Paul Matson (UC Santa Barbara)
Libe Washburn (UC Santa Barbara)
Francis Chan (Oregon State University)
Tessa Hill (Bodega Marine Lab)
13:30 – 15:00
Session C: Network design
1. What parameters should be measured?
2. What is the desired spatial and temporal resolution of these measurements
Speaker (~25 min):
Richard Feely (NOAA/PMEL)
15:30 – 17:15
Session C: Network design (CONTINUE DISCUSSIONS)
Thusday, July 7
Speaker (~10 min)
followed by brief time for questions (part of Session B)
Uwe Send (UC San Diego)
08:45 – 10:00
Session D: Network Implementation
1. What are appropriate quality goals for the proposed measurements?
2. What equipment / training / certification / . . . will we need to achieve this?
Speaker (~15 min):
Andrew Dickson (UC San Diego)
10:30 – 12:00
Session D: Network Implementation (CONTINUE DISCUSSIONS)
13:00 – 14:30
Session E: Network coordination
1. How will we ensure that the discrete observing efforts become a network?
2. What are the implications for data availability and data management?
3. What modeling/synthesis efforts are essential to achieve the benefits articulated above?
Speaker (~15 min):
Jan Newton (NANOOS – University of Washington)
15:00 – 16:00
Workshop Summary and Future Planning
1. What tasks should be done first to move this effort forward?
2. What resources will be needed to achieve this?
Steve Weisberg & Andrew Dickson